Wednesday, August 5, 2015

March Madness Part 2

During the 1st week of March my girlfriend celebrated her birthday at a neighborhood bar called Schubbas in LakeView.  I normally don't go out in the middle of the week, but I figured it wouldn't be too bad if I went and caught up with my friends.  I really didn't drink much that night.  I practically babysat my cranberry & vodka.  The birthday girl was planning on moving to California in May and she really wanted to see everyone for one last birthday fling.  We had some laughs.  I was glad to have a moment where I didn't think so much on what was happening with my mom.  I needed this little getaway, even though people noticed I wasn't very talkative.  I just needed to hear how everyone else was doing.  I was excited for my friend.  She was very hopeful that things were going out for her in California.  She was getting tired of the cold weather here in Chicago.  Me?  I really haven't noticed...

I decided to wear a bright scarf to lighten up my mood.

The following Friday my girlfriend invited me to another birthday party.  She called me up hysterical as well.  She saw a mouse in her apartment and ran right out the door.  Looking back, I felt bad for her because she was really shaken up.  We went to her friend's party and stayed out all night.  I was babysitting my drink again.  Didn't feel so sociable, but again, felt better than staying home moping.  Sometimes real life drama is better than what's on tv.  This was a nice place too.  A tapas restaurant called Bulerias also in LakeView.  My girlfriend stayed the night.  It was nice having company for a change. 

Closing out the restaurant...

It was fun listening to travel stories...

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