Since I'm still technically behind 6 months of posting, it's coming to the point where it got dark for me and my family. The thought of my mom being a widow has been stuck in my head for a couple of years now. Her husband survived 3 heart attacks in the past 6 years. As soon as he turned 50 years old, his health changed. I think our health is something we sometimes take for granted. He LOVED red meat, was a smoker, and basically ate whatever he wanted. I'm not sure if he regularly exercised, but he was also out of work for some years, so he stuck around the house from then on. Since he was diagnosed from April 2014 of a terminal illness, he did get into a depression. It was starting to sink in for him that his time was running out.
My mom got in a panic mode because she wanted to be by his side all the time. The problem was he sometimes wanted to be left alone. He grew agitated and angry and would take it out on her. His body ached. He was growing weak and everything hurt. I knew he was physically suffering, but mentally he was too, and it was affecting my mom as well. She would look at him helplessly. All I could do was try to brighten up the mood but he looked annoyed if anything.
I would struggle going over there to visit. I felt as if I shouldn't be there at all; that my presence was making things worse. Sometimes my mom would tell me not to come by. He was having a bad day she would say. It's not fair to tell someone to lighten up when they're dying. It's not a justified thought at all. For some months it seemed normal to come by and check up on both of them. But once the holidays hit, he was growing thinner and thinner, and we knew something was happening again. To see a man deteriorate the way he did was the hardest thing I've ever witnessed. To see my mom cry to herself was the hardest thing I've ever witnessed also. He was suffering and there was nothing we could do. He hated taking morphine, but at least he would knock out for hours. He was barely awake now. The tumor was coming out of his nose. His tears would bleed. This was not how things were suppose to happen.
I was growing angry. Angry to the point that I knew what was happening wasn't "fair". Why is he going through this? That's a dangerous mindset to enter, but I was going there. In a spiritual sense, it doesn't make things easier when you start questioning God. If anything, you're stepping out of line. But it happens. It happens to a lot of people when Life isn't fair, but it's important to remember that we ALL WILL BE TESTED AT ONE POINT IN TIME. Tested by a higher power. Tested by your sanity. Tested by loved ones. It's a fact of life and how you handle it will determine the outcome.
I'm writing this today because 6 months ago I was angry. But it passed. This whole ordeal DID pass. Although my mom is still adjusting to her new life without him, IT PASSED. Time does heal all wounds. We weathered this storm but it was a long one for us. Never lose hope that things won't get better because they do. All you need is FAITH and it WILL pass...
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