Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Age Of Aquarius

I’m not going to lie.  January was a long month, and winter is not giving up anytime soon.  I’m having travel withdrawals.  I basically stayed in the living for a couple of weeks while my bedroom aired out.  At first I didn’t mind because my room doesn’t warm up as much as the rest of the apartment.  Chicago had some frigid temperatures.  I was fine sleeping on the couch as long as I was cozy.  But I DID miss my bed.  

I have also been determined to build my savings.  I did some overtime for work, and that felt good as well.  I just want to save some money before I book something.  I’m getting the travel itch BIG TIME.
Towards the end of January, our friend from Michigan was in town to celebrate her birthday.  It was going to snow a lot that day, and luckily me and my friend  got to the suburbs in good time.  We were one of the first ones there.  Other people showed up little by little and our party grew bigger.  There are so many changes coming up for everyone.  I’m curious where this year will take us…

Monday, February 11, 2019

New Year’s Eve 2018

I am recapping New Year’s Eve.  I knew offhand I wanted to do something low key.  I have over the years gone to:  hotel parties, clubs, bars, celebrated in Miami, went to crowded house parties, you name it.  And I’ve had a blast.  But due to the high volume of work parties, birthday parties, celebrations and get-togethers I’ve experienced over the past 3 months, I was too burnt out to do anything big.  I was relieved my aunt (who will be retiring soon) wanted to host New Year’s Eve at her place with my uncle.  Since they will be relocating out of the country, I knew this might be one of our last get-togethers at their place.  I said yes.
I did my yearly ritual of walking around the block with a packed suitcase to promote more travels this upcoming year.  I know it sounds crazy, but I did not want to miss out on any opportunity not to book something.  I just want the universe to see that I’m serious!  Lol.  I also stuffed my pockets of my sequin blazer with euros and U.S dollars to promote wealth throughout the year.  At dinner I carefully ate my 12 grapes to promote luck, and felt good about not missing anything important.
The ONE THING that did make me nervous was that I did some cleaning around the apartment.  I’ve read two sides to this, one that you SHOULD have a clean apartment to bring in the new year, but the other debate said not to because you might accidently lose something since you are in the process of “getting rid” of stuff.  Who knows?
I had a lovely evening with my family (much better than Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve).  Maybe because we were sharing stories with my aunt and uncle who were in Mexico during the holidays.  I brought some party favors and they were a hit.  I’m glad everyone was happy.