Wednesday, August 19, 2015

B is for BABY SHOWER!!

During Memorial Weekend my friend had a baby shower.  I haven't seen all of my friends in a while.  As we get older we get more busy, but it's times like these that bring us all together.  I love it!  The shower was held at a golf resort in Evanston.  It was perfect because it was not far from the city and had plenty of parking for everyone.  Hey in Chicago, that's a big deal.  lol.  Everyone had a specific task in participating in the shower.  I was in charge of the games the kids will play.  My friend made this shower kid-friendly since most of her friends are moms.  That way no one had to find a sitter on the day of.  I found most of the games on Pinterest, (a God send) and luckily the kids had fun!  They were mostly based off the game minute-to-win-it.  I also bought some prizes from the dollar store to give away. 
In the end, we had a great time and the kids enjoyed themselves too.  I can't believe how fast time flies!  My friend gave birth to her son in July! 

Pretty setting!

Treats for everyone!

The beautiful mother-to-be!

One of the games I found on Pinterest.  In one minute try to scoop up as many cotton balls as you can into a bowl on your head.  Blind fold of course. 

Another minute-to-win-it game.  Post as many post-its on someone for a minute.  Who ever has the most post-its on their body wins!  Remember, sometimes they don't stick as easily...

Me with my friend's baby girl who was born back in January!

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