Friday, August 8, 2014


Well another work week is ending and here I am again.  I'm POOPED!  I think Lolla wore me out more than I thought.  All week I've been coming home from work and going straight for my bed for a quick nap.  I've also been slowly picking up around my apartment.  LOTS OF LAUNDRY!  Regardless, I miss my place.  I'm pretty excited about doing NOTHING this weekend.  Chicago has a way of packing in too many festivals throughout the summer.  As a single girl, I miss the days of watching funny youtube videos with my ex and calling it a night.  Now my life is different.  When you're single, you get a bad case of FOMO.  FEAR OF MISSING OUT.

Missing out on what you ask?  Well sometimes I wonder that myself too.  I once read a post on IG that got me thinking about how much "we hurry so much to gain the world", and that "we do the biggest mistake ever" which is "we don't live the moment.  We don't enjoy what we are having the honor to live!!"  He then adds to the end of his post a Bob Marley quote that says, "don't gain the world and loose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold."  Pretty real huh?

Although one can argue that once winter hits our beloved city, we will regret not taking in more "time" to enjoy our summer, I'm feeling more exhausted than ever.  My social calender is typically packed with places to be on the weekends.  I ultimately weeded out the workday functions to save my sleep for something more positive, (say sleep?) and am in need of a vacation BADLY.  A change of scenary.  A change of scene.  A change of the familiar.  A change in me. 

Let me relive a FBF back in July when me and my friends went to the anticipated West Fest.  This neighborhood festival is indeed a favorite of ours, basically because it's held in the Westside of Chicago.  With house music djs on the deck, it does bring back a missed quality that's diminishing in the social scene.  You have to look for house music nowadays, especially in the downtown scene.  Hip hop and EDM along with commerical POP is where the money is at.  Table service and boutique "clubs" are places where you dress up to the nines and go to be "seen".  Don't get me wrong, at the other end of the spectrum is our lavish sports bars, because Chicago is indeed a sports town.  You go there to chill out in your ripped skinnies and chase down shot after shot.  No in between.

Well where do you go to listen to some good vibes and dress in between?  You go to the West Fest.  There you see local vendors selling cool tees along with other cool things such as art and jewelry.  No mass retailers here.  I have to admit, I had a lot of fun this past West Fest, but as I'm getting older, I know which festivals to skip out next summer so I can fully enjoy the moment better, as opose to packing it all in.  Because at the end of the day, the only memories you have become one long hangover story!  lol
      I like the last picture the best because it's a #nofilter.  It happened to come out in green!

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